BC Fall Qualifier Results!


Thirteen Gladstone Robosavages teams attended the BC Fall Qualifier at McMath Secondary today in Richmond. We continued our strong start to the Toss Up Season, with 9 of the 13 teams making the elimination round. When the dust settled, the Gladstone alliance came out on top versus the Isfeld alliance. It was a close best of 3 that was decided by a few points each match. High hanging with a ball is scary.

2D – 1st seed (7-0)
Excellence, Programming Skills, Tournament Champions
2K – 8th seed (6-1)
Design, Robot Skills, Tournament Champions
2N – 53rd seed (2-5)
Tournament Champions
2Z – 4th seed (7-0)
Judge’s Choice Award

I would also like to congratulate other teams that were just shy of getting an award, 2A, 2B, 2F, 2H, 2M, 2S, 2T, 2V, 2W.

Big thank you to Mr. Ablett, our parents and our sponsors. Our success is driven by them.

See you guys soon at the BC Christmas Qualifier!