7 of Robosavages’ teams went to the BC Fall Qualifier at McMath Secondary in Richmond. The school was an excellent host to all of the teams that attended. Please go to our facebook page to see some pictures. Also remember to like our page!
We had a great day competition wise with all of our robots making it to the elimination rounds where four won their way to the finals. We earned 6 out of the 10 awards and took home eight trophies tonight.
2X – Design Award, Tournament Finalist
2Z – Excellence Award, Tournament Champion, Programming Skills Winner
2Y – Build Award, Tournament Finalist
2D – Tournament Champion
Shout outs to 2B, 2C, 2W, who all made it to eliminations as well as special thanks to our alliance partners and supporters.
And again, thank you to McMath for hosting the event and to PYRS for running the event.